Treatment of achilles tendon injuriesAcute and chronic achilles tendon injuries or pain occur most commonly after long distance running, dancing and high impact jumps, but can also occur as degeneration in elderly. Sometimes the change of a running shoe or a new inlay has a severe affect on the achilles tendon. The result may be chronic pain in the tendon, heel or the facia plantaris, which forces the patient to limp and give up running.
Treatment must focus on the entire postural muscle chain of the body. Lokal treatment can be manual therapy. Osteopathy treats the complete muscle chain and 3D myofascial system. Changing the shoes or using specific dynamic inlays are recommended. Very good results are seen with Shockwave Therapy or High Energy Inductive Therapy. In some cases injection treatment with PRP or ACP, which uses the body's own growth factors (Regenerative Medicine), may be a good choice. In rare chronic cases an endoscopic surgery procedure is indicated to reduce the synovitis and inflammatory processes. |
Non-surgical treatment options:
Surgical treatment may be indicated for chronic pain and thickening of the tendon: